A Software-as-a-Service company that is transforming their enterprise strategy and operations turned to [A] to address key opportunities. Through a discovery and vision engagement, [A] identified tangible improvements for the client's existing content services system architecture.
Success highlights
This collaboration led to impressive achievements for the client, in:
- Scaling content operations
- Increasing personalization
- Maximizing the value of their content assets.
- Establishing a standardized content structure and taxonomy
- Producing more content with fewer team members
- Leveraging increased content reuse to optimize content creation.
- Improving content quality and the surrounding user experience
This case study shows how the client’s need to increase maturity, efficiencies, productivity, and expanding its capacity over time were addressed by engaging with [A]. By conducting interviews and deep dives into the client's content production and lifecycle, [A] identified key areas for improving Content Strategy and Content Operations.