Cruce Saunders reveals why the future requires flexible models, new organizational structures, and nimble processes to support the next generation content supply chain.
When the world moves quickly and unpredictably, our content must also adapt at a rapid pace.
Too often, content is locked into structures and platforms that serve a single use, condemning content assets to an artificially limited lifetime. It’s time to evolve!
In this sweeping keynote, discover a vision for how to resurface latent value in organizations by reimagining how content is modeled and managed in a decoupled content supply chain.
As an industry, do we see content structures in a single limited form? It’s time to move towards a kaleidoscopic understanding of content’s structure that can adapt. Find out how content can have a fractal impact in a broader world, outside of one fixed schema - without destroying any current systems.
The future requires flexible models, new organizational structures, and nimble processes to support the next generation content supply chain. Consistent patterns for content intelligence enable context-adaptive experiences. Multi-channel delivery serves chatbots, voice assistants, augmented reality, embedded systems, and consumer devices, and allows us to prepare for any other unique formats the future can throw at us.
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It’s time to evolve!
Patterns for content intelligence enable context-adaptive experiences.
Key takeaways:
- Enabling content to adapt at a rapid pace, keeping up with our unpredictable world
- Why you must unlock content from single-use structures and platforms
- How to resurface latent value in organizations by reimagining how content is modeled and managed in a decoupled content supply chain
Leverage the investments of the past 20 years, AND unlock the fluid world of knowledge. Learn how to activate any content producing organization and elevate content assets beyond cost, transforming them into a source of ongoing power.