Noz Urbina

Noz Urbina is a globally recognised leader in the field of content strategy and customer experience. He’s well known as a pioneer in customer journey mapping and adaptive content modelling for delivering personalised, contextually relevant content experiences in an omnichannel environment. Noz is co-founder and Programme Director of OmnichannelX. He is also co-author of the book “Content Strategy: Connecting the dots between business, brand, and benefits” and lecturer in the Masters Programme in content strategy at the University of Applied Sciences, Graz.

Noz's company, Urbina Consulting, works with the world’s largest organisations and most complex content challenges. He has assisted dozens of multinational organisations with developing or improving their content strategies, managing tool selections, pilot projects, delivering training, and guiding implementations. Clients have been in the manufacturing, mechanical engineering, medical devices, semiconductors, and enterprise software industries, among others.


Dive into the world of omnichannel content creation with expert Cruce Saunders and discover how to personalize every step of the customer journey.

Join host Cruce Saunders, principal and founder of [A] and our panel of content experts to discover the necessity of moving towards a goal-oriented, omnichannel customer journey.

Hear from the leaders of forward edge of omnichannel content programs. See the strategies and operations that are making personalized content possible.

A look at content strategy, content engineering, and organizational content challenges with Noz Urbina of Urbina Consulting.