Many of the systems we use daily aren’t built with a holistic viewpoint in mind.

Rather than address the “why” of a systemic issue, organizations often look for a quick fix, a way to retain user bases or maintain their bottom line. What this neglects to do is examine the underlying causes behind a problem, and creates a poor user experience.

Looking at content and customer experiences at the department level is a myopic view. In reality, all the teams need to work together in order to create a shift in foundational thinking. Those in an organization dealing with customers directly have a better view of a customer journey than simple top-down awareness. The key is to break down silos and work across the organization to create an omnichannel, intelligent customer experience. 

Additional Resources

For a deep-dive on customer journeys, check out this article: Are Your Customers Shouting Into The Void? where Alan J. Porter presents the idea oftaking a holistic strategic view regarding content to deliver valuable customer experiences. 

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