What Is Intelligent Content?

Intelligent content is the road to digital maturity. [A]'s 10 Tenets of Intelligent Content outline the core attributes of content, explain how content assets are valued, and speak to the power intelligent content holds in influencing behavior and driving impressions.

Why does Intelligent Content matter? The customer journey is the customer experience. And content is at each step along the journey. The product itself is content. Customer experiences are getting smarter and smarter. And smart companies are making content assets work harder and harder. 

Adaptive organizations start with strategy, power that strategy with engineering, and wrap it in operations that bring it to life.

Intelligent Content

[A’s] 10 Tenets of Intelligent Content 

  1. Content is an expression of everything an organization is and does. All of our stories, knowledge, and data is content.
  2. Content takes many forms and it is valued by how much it influences human awareness, intelligence, and behavior.
  3. To reach humans and robots, published content must be intelligent.
  4. Intelligent content becomes more valuable as humans and robots interact with it.
  5. The more interaction, the more likely that content will influence as a result of human and robot impressions of the content. Interactions equal impressions.
  6. Impressions are enabled by structure and driven by content reuse.
  7. Intelligent content distributed across multiple channels drives impressions and then behaviors.
  8. To earn impressions, content must be available. Publishing one time on one channel limits exposure. Quality content needs to be reused.
  9. Through reuse, intelligent content assets can generate more value than the cost to create them. Content should be a balance sheet asset.
  10. Intelligent content isn't the destination; it's the road to our distribution channels.

Omnichannel Content Distribution

Key Benefits of Intelligent Content

  • Increased impressions across human and robot channels and across sales lifecycle, sales performance, sales metrics, and sales channels.
  • Reduced CPI. Measure cost of assets and divide by impressions.
  • Improved customer satisfaction via personalization means more rewarding and relevant interactions.
  • Marketing and IT peacemaking. Happier developers and marketers produce better work.
  • Far more efficient development cycles and developer time investment.
  • Investment efficiency leads to more return for the money.
  • Insurance policy for long-term market relevance. Content intelligence will become mandatory.
  • Competitive market advantage by improving and exposing content assets across the enterprise and intelligently connecting those assets with customers.

Intelligent Content is the dawn of a new era in customer experience, where customers rule. It is the basis for success and survival in this new era of continuously changing customer experience.

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